Monday, May 6, 2013

D.I.Y. Face Mask

So today I am going to show you guys a really fun cheap face mask. If you are a fan of my YouTube channel, Truderds, you know how I've recently discovered some pretty toxic stuff in common makeup. It's scary, especially when there are so many more natural remedies out there.

This mask is something I originally saw on Pinterest, but I can't find the original source anywhere. So if anyone has seen it, please let me know so I can give credit where it is due.

Let me just tell you though, it's awesome. Even day after, my face feels so much softer and my skin is a little more clear.

What you need:
Half a lemon
2 tbsp honey

All you have to do is cut a lemon in half, and pour the honey on the lemon. Then take your lemon and just rub it on your face. Simple and cheap right? You let it sit for five to ten minutes (i recommend using the other half of lemon in a glass of ice water and sitting back to relax.) and then you wash it off with warm water and enjoy your new glow! Natural, effective and no nasty chemicals!

Why does this work? (Also, please ignore my chipped nail polish!) Honey is a natural anti-bacterial and inflammatory. It absorbs the impurities from skin while you're letting it soak. Lemon helps naturally lighten, exfoliate, clean and tone skin because it is full of vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids. Beat that $10 face masks!

Let me know on Twitter or Instagram if you try this out! 

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