Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Everything has a purpose.

So, I have always wanted to start a personal blog. I have started countless blogs, only one of which I have continued doing for multiple years, but I wanted one that was about me. I need a way to creatively express myself, and not just focus on books. I am someone who has at least 1,000 interests, so it would be impossible for me to focus on only a few for my blog.

Now, I confess, the reason I am actually deciding to sit down and start this is because of my English class at my local community college. We are required to share our essays on a blog, and we have to start one for the class. I am much too excited to wait until Monday, and I want the blog to be more than just a place to share essays, I want to be able to share all the things I want to share. So I am starting this blog early, so I can give it my own personal flair, and perhaps utilize it over the weekend.

I plan on posting all kinds of things on this blog: the required essays, a journal of sorts, my new diet experiences and logs, organizing projects, pictures of my family, and some writing I feel like sharing. Don't like it? Don't follow. Interested? Please, stick around.


  1. I love your book blog. And very excited for this new blog!!

  2. Thanks! :) It's a lot of fun to write about more personal things!

  3. I love Chapter Chicks! Yours and Stacy's blog and YouTube Channel! I was so excited when you followed my book blog! I'm really happy that I found this blog! I'm excited to follow it! I just started a personal blog of my own! The Life of a Chronic Bibliophile! New follower! :)
